Marketing Metrics Clinic
The Marketing Metrics Clinic connects St. Louis startups with WashU students to help address marketing challenges and foster continuous growth.
Olin Family Business Program
The Olin Family Business Program engages both the off-campus business community and WashU by delving into topics that impact family businesses. The program combines a mix of special events, symposiums, and seminars, for larger audiences and smaller communities.
Friday Pro Bono Clinic
The Friday Neighborhood Clinic, previously on Saturdays, has reopened to provide quality care to St. Louis residents in a more efficient and accessible manner. WashU med students lead this initiative to provides compassionate and skilled care to the uninsured and underinsured St. Louis residents. As an interprofessional establishment, the clinic provides care for health that is not considered “primary care” to allow for more expansive help.
Siteman Mammography Van
The Siteman Mammogram Van provides annual screening for women age 40 and over who have no signs or symptoms of breast cancer. This method provides efficient, private, and low-cost examination for patients. The van is placed at various St. Louis locations for optimal care.
Center for Experiential Learning
Olin’s Center for Experiential Learning links the classroom with the world of business. With faculty support and guidance, talented Olin students apply leading-edge practices and practical management solutions to business challenges.
Regional Health Commission
The St. Louis Regional Health Commission (RHC) is a collaborative effort of St. Louis area health providers and community members to improve the health of uninsured and underinsured citizens of the St. Louis area. Commissioners, appointed by members of the community, include notable WashU faculty members.
CityStudioSTL from the Sam Fox School at WashU supports a number of community engagement, student enrichment, and collaborations that bring students and faculty from different fields together with community partners. Fellowships support students in architecture, art, and design partnering with those in the St. Louis community to conceive, plan, design, and construct projects for local community groups and residents. Faculty can also receive support for community engaged scholarship and courses.
Resilient Cities
The Resilient Cities initiative from Sam Fox School engages the St. Louis community regarding complex issues of environmental and social resiliency. Current projects focus on the establishment of Peace Park in the College Hill neighborhood and engagement with the Great Rivers Greenway (GRG) Brickline Greenway Project.
The mission of SPOT (Supporting Positive Opportunities with Teens) is to increase access to health care for youth who have been disproportionately impacted by HIV, poverty, trauma, and discrimination. Providing physical and mental health services, this program from the Department of Pediatrics at WashU Medicine partners with youth to create safe and welcoming spaces for them to grow and achieve.
Project ARK
Project ARK at WashU Medicine provides prevention and service to those infected, affected, and at-rise of HIV. Through community education and outreach, Project ARK creates specialized programming to cater to queer and/or POC individuals. The program includes counseling, workshops, and testing services all at low-cost to the participants.